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Welcome to the UNICA Painless Research Blog!


It doesn't sound right, does it? I mean, putting painless and research together seems inaccurate, but for professor Carlo and Carolina, research is one of the most enjoyable academic activities. As thesis directors, They have held the hand of students while carry out their research projects and they have identified a kind of pain. Thus, professor Carlo and Carolina decided to create this blog in order to help students at ÚNICA, walk through the research path as enjoyable as possible. Join us in this journey!


Painless Research Blog is genuinely thought to help in-service and pre-service teachers from Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA to develop their skills as researchers, and hopefully clear some of the most common doubts that might emerge during this fruitful process. 


You will find interviews to students about their experiences in research

Learn about research

You will find interviews to students about their experiences in research


You will find interviews to students about their experiences in research

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

"Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought"

Meet The Team


Carolina Rodriguez Buitrago

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Teacher of Pedagogy of Institución Univeristaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA; Master in Educational Technology and English Teaching from the University of Manchester, UK. Associate editor of the Education and Research Journal - GiST and supervisor of Painless Research Blog.


Carlo Granados

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Academic Dean of Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA; Bachelor in Spanish and Languages from Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, Bogotá. Editor of the Education and Research Journal - GiST and supervisor of Painless Research Blog.


Jaqueline Graciano

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Student of Bachelor degree in Bilingual Education Spanish - English in Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA; current interviewer and content disigner of Painless

Research Blog


Andrés Felipe Montes

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Student of Bachelor degree in Bilingual Education Spanish - English in Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana - ÚNICA; current web editor of Painless

Research Blog

Contact Us


AV 19 No. 2A - 49 Bogotá DC.

Tel: +(571) 281 1777 

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